A Storydriven Management Simulation Game inspired by the SCP Universe. Containcorp has you managing a top-secret worldwide government-run facility that specialises in containing and experimenting on anomalous entities. Set in its own universe but inspired by the SCP universe, you will encounter a multitude of anomalous objects and entities. What you learn about each and how is up to you...
Plasmarc Studios is a dynamic duo of passionate programmers committed to crafting captivating games. As a recently established studio, we bring a fresh perspective and an abundance of enthusiasm to deliver exceptional products. Despite being a small team, we strive to create immersive experiences that defy expectations and showcase our dedication to quality. Founded on August 26th, 2020, initially as a complement to our main game Containcorp, we eagerly anticipate the exciting journey that lies ahead.
We're expanding our small, dynamic team to turn our dream project into reality. If you're passionate about game development and want to contribute to a creative indie studio, contact us!
We are always looking for new talent to join our team. If you are interested in working with us, please send us an email at