Forensic Friday 29: Joyful Start to the New Year!
Hi everyone!! We hope you’ve had a joyful start to the new year! With the end of our Christmas and New Year break, comes the time for the development cogs to start turning again (for TD350 at least 🥲), while I have university exams on the horizon, so will be working more intermittently until they have passed by mid January. Also slight note that there won’t be an anomaly poll this week, as we’re bringing 2 new anomalies to the next Mechanical Monday, so keep your eyes peeled! More in depth descriptions of what has been happening below :)
UI OVerhaul Again #
Not much to report this week other than we have started working on the game after a well deserved break! Right now we are still working on the more boring aspects of the game which is…overhauling UI! Though good news is that the game is currently bug free! (For the most part) We are still working on writing tests which should be done by the end of next week!
Case Closed #
As usual, that’s case closed. Thanks for taking the time to read (though wasn’t too much this week), and we’ll catch you all on Monday for the anomaly releases! ╰(°▽°)╯
Best wishes,
The Team,
Plasmarc Studios