Forensic Friday 63: Happy New Year, Welcome 2024


Happy New Year! #

It’s now 2024, it feels weird saying after an entire year of writing 2023, but as it is every year, I’ll get used to it! We hope you’ve all had a relaxing and fun holiday, and we are here to start the new year off with a bang! There’s nothing quite like a small recap to look back at what happened last year, so let’s start with that!

A Lookback at 2023 #

In January…

The CEO of War Crimes was back at it again, completing the trilogy of posts for “mug”, “shirt” and now, “sweatshirt” - showcasing our merch better than we ever have

We completely rewrote the UI for Containcorp using React Unity.

Dr. Kleine Evengald dropped one of the most significant anomaly documents of the entire year. You can find the full version here.

There were completely normal conversations

In February…

David had an interesting idea for a mechanic…

Gunplay was added!

In March…

We went into hibernation, after being swamped with University work…

In April…

Saint Iblis was able to flex even more for committing war crimes, showing that a fourth installment of merch can be just as enthralling as the original trilogy!

In May…

Annogram briefly turned up for… something?

In June…

We returned from our 3 month hiatus! Development was about to explode…

We got a new website!

Our new wiki also landed in the same week, with a few growing pains :)

Forensic Friday’s also migrated in the same week, from our Discord server to another new website - where you are likely reading this now!

In July…

Our steam page finally arrived, after months of promising! We finally were able to successfully file a tax form to get it through!

Something small called Utility AI came to our attention in Forensic Friday 45

In August…

Containcorp had a rework from the ground up to support modding!

Forensic Friday 50 released, along with a recap - not too dissimilar to this!

In September…

I started my first full time job, and with it development stalled as holidays / Utility AI wrecked havoc on an otherwise very productive summer.

We had our only official submission of fan art for the year on our Discord server!

Unity also made a questionable announcement which was slightly worrying…

In October…

We came back from our much smaller hiatus with big news! Our team was growing - with a new writer and a couple programmers joining us to help streamline development!

Another banger meme showcasing the double standards in our wiki

In November…

We got an official composer - Can Erdogan - for Containcorp. We’re so excited to see what he will conjure up this coming year!

We also got some of our favourite memes of the year!

In December…

We started using Agile sprints to plan work, as our team grew in size.

Dr. Michael Sneed Morse brought up some concerns about our blog posts!

By sharing this photo, I’m afraid David will stare into your soul again!

We had more normal and completely sane conversations

Looking back, a lot happened this year! Some things that felt like they happened years ago were only at the start of 2023 which is crazy to think about. We’ve got a new game website, steam page, wiki, blog website, as well as development speed being at an all time high, as we race into 2024. Add into that a new writer and composer, and it’s all coming together very nicely!

The return of Mythos Monday?! #

You read the title right, Mythos Mondays (formerly Mechanical Mondays) will be making a return in the new year! With our new head writer, Ruckinator, taking the lead, we hope to flesh out our wiki, and provide interesting gameplay ideas for the future! Of course, our anomaly polls will also be returning as well, so make sure you’re in our Discord server to have a say in the future of the Containcorp universe!

We had 35 new members join our Discord server this year from little to no advertising or social media presence, so let’s see how 2024 does in that respect!

Case Closed #

Thank for you everyone who stuck with us through 2023, and we hope to make 2024 worth your time! If you feel like there was something significant left out of our yearly recap that you’d like to see, flag us down on Discord and shout at us into submission - who knows, this case file can always be changed in post…

We’ll hopefully see you in the coming weeks for the return of Containcorp development and Mythos Mondays, but until then, have fun and a Happy New Year!

Case Closed.
The Team
Plasmarc Studios