The Lost Archives #18: The end of the beginning

Sorry we’re a day late on this post, we got a bit confused with our dates because of reasons unknown. A quick summary of what’s happened in the last month is that we’ve done quite a bit of behind the scenes work with world building. These include making more anomaly documents, creating spreadsheets to document our universes timeline so there aren’t any conflicts etc. that should hopefully create an end goal of making the game feel more in depth.

If you’re active in our general chat, you may have seen @𝕋 𝔻 𝟛 𝟝 𝟘 has also finished his exams and has started work on the game again, whilst my exams start this Wednesday and last for 3 weeks so I won’t be doing much until then. This means by the time we next write a blog of this type, we should have a bit more to say from the programming side of things so stay tuned.

Information about our future subreddit #

On a final note, we’ve decided that we will be starting our subreddit during the next couple of months, during the summer. If you’re interested in being a moderator, please register your interest through our google form. When we’re choosing people, we’ll take into consideration how active you’ve been in our chats etc. and we’ll dm you closer to the time if necessary.

That’s it for this month, expect a lot more progress next month!

The Team,
Plasmarc Studios