Welcome to Forensic Friday 39, officially the last Forensic Friday that will be hosted on discord. Releasing this week’s blog post may be the most excited we’ve been sharing news. There’s A LOT to get through, and most of it will change how we do everything going forwards - so strap in, this is going to be a good one. There isn’t any game development news this week, but everything “outside” the game has had a massive upgrade so let’s get started! ( •̀ ω •́ )y

New Website #

Firstly, the new website is now functioning and is hosted on a brand new domain! Having the game name in the website name makes a lot of sense, so it should be a bit easier to remember. On the new website, you’ll see the links to all places Containcorp, including our soon to-be Steam page, Patreon, Discord and Youtube.

If you delve further into the website, you’ll see a mailing list. The mailing list isn’t currently active, so you won’t receive emails yet - but you can still sign up, so you don’t miss when we do put out emails! There is also an updated FAQ page in the top bar, that gives up-to-date information on the most popular questions to the best of our knowledge. The website is still very much new, and we have some dead links right now, but are working to get everything polished - if you spot any mistakes then please do let us know in the usual places.

Website Link Here

Anomalous Wiki V.2 #

The new wiki page for our game is now active - you can find it here! Hosted by Wikidot, we’ve been busy setting up all the pages within the wiki. This is our first time using Wikidot, so after a small learning curve, we think that it’s ready. On the new wiki, you can see the official documents we’ve made so far, and also submit new files if you have an account with Wikidot! There’s a template that should load when you go to the correct part on the website. On this template, you can insert your cool ideas and, if everything goes to plan, the pages will look amazing! Plus you can now edit your files after creating them! No more duplicate submissions :P If there are issues with submitting files then let us know, since permission settings may need tinkering. The current wiki also has a couple issues, such as not being mobile friendly, but we’ll continue working on this in the coming weeks.

The official documents are currently shown as PDF documents, but we are debating whether we keep them as PDFs on the wiki, or convert them into text content like the user submissions, due to issues with links between documents not working while in PDF format - we’ll keep you posted on any developments here, but you can also check out some of the anomalies here.

Website Link Here

Possible Merch store in the works #

We have been playing with the idea of a merch store for the game, currently the only way to get game related merch is through the patreon, but it is not exactly the most economical way of acquiring merch. We believe slowly building a merch store can help us build a stronger cult-like brand, but naturally we don’t expect the store to get much traffic, if any traffic at all until the fanbase is mauch larger. So it is something we aren’t going to be focusing on for a good while. But the merch store will be there for any of you who want to support the game early on. However, keep in mind the store is still under construction, so even though you can buy products, not all the products we want to list are there right now, and the store still has a lot of placeholder images and such. There is always the possibility that the store will move to a completely different site too, so don’t hold us too it.

Website Link Here

Forensic Friday Finds a New Home #


Now, depending on where you are reading this, this may or may not make a lot of sense - we have a new home for all our blog posts - here (on a website)! We now have a dedicated website for our ramblings which can be found here for the uninitiated.

Every single blog post we’ve ever done has painstakingly been transferred from discord to the blog website - even before we had “Forensic Friday” which already started over 2 years ago. If you want a trip down memory lane to see how far we’ve come, every blog post is now easily accessible with a coat of new paint! With the ease of putting out new blog posts on the website, this will also be the last blog post that we are putting on discord. The awkwardness of uploading a blog to discord with message length, file size, and general formatting restrictions is horrible, and the new website looks so much better - in our opinion at least 😅. Therefore, from next week onwards, blog posts will be solely on the website, but we will still make the usual announcements in our discord server, so don’t worry about missing anything - it’s the same, if not better, content just in a different place.

The new website lets us embed videos and our wiki page - which will be useful for Mechanical Mondays - as well as having images side by side! Everything we could wish for is now at our fingertips. Check it out below!

On our blog page, we also have a new, more visually pleasing roadmap which you can find here. Specific dates are still subject to change, but we hope to stay on track for as long as possible!

Our blog posts also have a comment system so comment away! You can also added reactions and such if you so please. Take a look the bottom of this page if you please! Main Steam Capsule

More news: Steam Page delayed #

Unfortunately, our application for a new steam page is still pending. We’re stuck on a verification and approval process, but we hope this can be cleared up in a week or two. Our new steam capsule mockups can be found below, these will be shown on steam when we finally get around to setting it up! The characters will be replaced with custom made art, with a similar pose and appearance with the final assets. We are just waiting for our artist to complete the work!

Main Steam Capsule Header Steam Capsule Small Steam Capsule

We will keep you guys up to date about the steam page, look out for the upcoming blog! Please let us know what you think about the mockups and if you have any opinions you can let us know in the comments below. Pretty neat feature!

Case Closed #

Phew, that was a lot. A new website, a new blog, a new wiki and a possible merch shop - all finished in a week’s work! It would mean a lot to us if you can check out all the links that we’ve been working hard on over the past week, and any feedback is always taken on and heard!

Finally, as always, thank you for taking the time to read this, and we’ll see you next week - in a brand new place. Take care for now!

Case Closed.
The Team
Plasmarc Studios